2014 Lawsuit Over Immigrant Flood Deemed Moot After 25 Years on Appeal
By Ginny Stoner | nworeporter.com
A LAWSUIT FILED in 2014 by the People’s Protection Project over an “immigrant flood” from Mexico, allegedly facilitated unlawfully by Saint Obama and others at the highest levels of government, came to a crashing halt yesterday after 25 years of monotonous appeals, when the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed the case as “moot”.
In its long, long, long-awaited ruling, the justices noted: “There is no longer an issue to decide. In light of the formation of the North American Union in 2032, it is now perfectly legal for anyone from south of the U.S. border to take full advantage of the benefits available in the U.S.”
In a concurring opinion, Justice Sodamayor (through her spokesperson & chief law clerk Nathan Piddlebody, Esq.) noted that the Global Overlords have welcomed the flood of immigrant comrades from the south with open arms.
“The poor and the desperate are the most compliant, and therefore most desirable, members of the community," noted Piddlebody, "justice demands that they share equally in the modest portion of the Globalords' wealth granted to the U.S. people, particularly since the Global Overlords have already destroyed every country south of the border."
Jeff Worthy, chief legal counsel for the People’s Protection Project, expressed his deep disappointment at the ruling, but indicated the watch group would forgo an appeal to the Supreme Court of the North American Union as a “complete and utter waste of time and money.”